Friday, March 17, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

MacDonald's Big Mac attack on Trump ...

Hawaii judge halts Trump's second attempt at travel ban

... Judges inventing new reasons to obstruct Trump ...

Trump: Travel ban 'makes us look weak'

McCain: Rand Paul 'is working for Vladamir Putin'

Trump budget cuts all funds for PBS, NPR, National Endowment for Arts

Trump's budget ripped from Bannon's nationalistic playbook

NY bill would supress non-gov't-approved speech ..

Trump's budget eliminates global-warming payments to UN

... EPA cut could save business, consumers hundreds of bio ions ...

Trump approval surges to 52% ... Politico hurries news at bottom of article

Rand Paul: McCain makes a really really strong case for term limits

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