Thursday, March 02, 2017

Bum's Rush

Jeff Sessions is a liar. He lied during his AG confirmation hearings about meeting with Russian officials. He not only needs to recuse himself from any investigation into Russian hacking into the presidential election ... he needs to immediately resign. In fact, like often happened in Nazi Germany, he should be put in a locked room with a loaded Luger with the obvious expectation. And then tomorrow Obama's shadow government can commence impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump for a variety of treasonous charges that Maxine Waters has been unable yet to specify. The American people demand justice and we cannot cotton the obvious corruption that has surrounded Hillary Clinton's defeat. Vladimir Putin not only abetted Trump's nefariousness campaign, but his agents hacked into the actual election to insure a Trump victory.

These charges are so serious that they don't even need to be proven. In fact Trump and his close associates need to prove that Russia didn't subvert this past election. It is obvious to the Washington Post, CNN, the New York Times, MSNBC and all the major TV networks, therefore it is indisputable that Donald Trump is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Although they can't say exactly what these charges are, this doesn't excuse things. Trump and his inner circle needs to prove that Russia did not insure his November victory. How they might prove this negative is unclear ... even more reason for their shame.

There used to be a term for this kind of bar room justice ... it was called the "bum's rush."

If you feel that the above arguments are wrong  ... and want some bald facts and a little studied legal insight  see: Powerline 1 and Powerline 2. If not, send your donation to


  1. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Right on, George. You are a true America in an America where truth, justice and the America way is only relegated to the cartoon Superman. Just the other day you pleaded for an America of our forefathers. Well George Washington campaigned on "I will not tell a lie" It seems that Trump and all the little Trumpets campaign on a slogan, "I will never tell the truth and the American public are too stupid to know the difference" Thank goodness that the media has not been totally shut down yet.

    1. You obviously didn't read the links ...

  2. Why not subpoena Sessions emails to see what's what? Where is his server anyways? In his laundry room? If there is nothing to it all, it'll fade away.

    P.S. I read the links and the links' links. And the links' links' links.

  3. All the e-mails contain is yoga stuff.

  4. Truthtalker8:52 PM

    Old Lakota saying: Never talk with bear, never hug bear, never lie down with bear... but if you do, don't admit it.

    1. Truthtalker, you left out the ending ... "Better to dance with bear than let the camel bite off your head."
