Tuesday, February 07, 2017

UN Scorecard

Should the United States keep supporting the Utopian notion of a benign world government which will save our planet from the rigors of war, illness, poverty and tyranny? Well the United Nations has been around for over 70 years and needs to receive an evaluation of its efficacy. Here, thanks to my wife, are a set of pluses and minuses that I think pretty much tell the story:

The 9 greatest UN achievements (see: The Flame Tally for details):
  • Food aid
  • Aid to refugees
  • Protecting children
  • Peacekeeping
  • Running elections
  • Reproductive health and population management
  • War crime prosecutions
  • Fighting AIDS
  • Bringing invisible issues to the forefront

The UN's 10 greatest failures (see: List Verse Tally for details):
  • Terrorism
  • Nuclear proliferation
  • Sri Lanka
  • Child sex abuse scandal
  • Veto power
  • Srebrenica massacre
  • Khmer Rouge
  • The Cold War
  • Darfur
  • Rwanda

(I could easily add another half-dozen negatives ... including its mishandling of the Ebola outbreaks.)

Does this tally sheet justify the billions that we spend yearly on this bloated and corrupt institution?

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