Monday, February 06, 2017

Tom Terrific

The quarterback of the New England Patriots, Tom Brady, is most likely at his life's pinnacle ... having won his fifth Super Bowl ... a record. And he also won this game in a spectacular manner ... scoring 25 points (with 2 two-point conversions) in the last half to tie the game and then scoring the winning touchdown in overtime. He was also awarded this game's Most Valuable Player.  This scenario was bigger than what any Hollywood scriptwriter could have imagined ... and had TV viewers, even many liberals, in awe.

No wonder Brady has earner the moniker "Tom Terrific" ... an outstanding 39-year-old quarterback married to a gorgeous supermodel with three wonderful children and yet still exhibiting appealing humility ... a rarity in the NFL. However, there is still a downside to such eclat ... and this is that  it is hard to imagine that things could get any better for Sir Brady. In a palpable sense, everything else in his life will likely be downhill from this existential summit. So, with all this accomplishment and adoration, comes the sadness that, alas, the best is likely not yet to come.

Afterword: Out driving today and listening to NPR I was saddened to hear a number of Bostonians who were rooting against the Patriots only because of the political persuasions of Brady and Coach Belichick. Of course, I eschewed Lady Gaga's half-time show because of her lefty rants ... hypocrite that I am.


  1. Arthur Schopenhauer would agree with you. I wish Brady well, and it's been fun. But now, at age 39, he should retire, and give Garappolo a chance to become the next great Patriots Quarterback.

  2. Why can't things be better for him? With wealth, youth, and health in a wholesome lifestyle, he can do anything he wants to do. Remember what Alpine skiers say: To say it's all downhill from here is a good feeling.

    1. I don't think I am saying he won't have a good life. But I think he might never have anything close to the euphoric high as he had last night.
