Today the liberal media (CNN) displayed its bias anew ... claiming that lightning kills more Americans than terrorists every year (actually not true -- 2016 lightning kills = 38, 2016 terrorists kills = 49 in the Pulse nightclub alone) ... see: Newsbusters Story. I also had a reader claim that even clothing kills more Americans every year than terrorists ... a claim that may be true but, to me, is clearly specious.
And why is it specious? Here is my answer in a nutshell -- no one in the world has been killed by an atomic weapon since 1945 ... over 70 years ago ... but no one who is able to spell "Obama" would claim that atomic weapons are not an existential danger? And the lightning analogy is also flawed in that, unless Zeus is in the heavens throwing down bolts at his enemies, death by lightning is random and usually singular ... whereas terrorist mayhem is purposeful and most often comes in grisly groups.
Why any loony lefties want to minimize and excuse terrorism seems markedly misguided, naive and even sinister. That anyone in the media would assume such a suicidal stance baffles me.
Please justify the odds you proffer ...