Monday, February 20, 2017

As Good as it Gets

Like a heart on its way out, the Left is fibrillating over Trump's presidency ... trying any and all analogies to express its dismay over what is happening to our country. Conservatives were equally morose when Obama was elected ... but I don't recall this same apocalyptic ranting. Anyhow, the Left's weaver of word tapestries, David Brooks of the New York Times, has just put forward his vision of how our world is to crumble under Trump's "unhinged" guidance. Rather than settling for pedestrian appraisals of what we are in for, may I suggest the following premier tale-telling: What a Failed Trump Administration Looks Like.

Here is a particularly nasty passage:

The first conclusion is obvious. This administration is more like a medieval monarchy than a modern nation-state. It’s more “The Madness of King George” than “The Missiles of October.” The key currency is not power, it’s flattery.

The corollary is that Trump is ripe to be played. Give the boy a lollipop and he won’t notice if you steal his lunch. The Japanese gave Trump a new jobs announcement he could take to the Midwest, and in return they got presidential attention and coddling that other governments would have died for.

If you want to roll the Trump administration, you’ve got to get in line. The Israelis got a possible one-state solution. The Chinese got Trump to flip-flop on the “One China” policy. The Europeans got him to do a 180 on undoing the Iran nuclear deal.

Vladimir Putin was born for a moment such as this. He is always pushing the envelope. After gifting Team Trump with a little campaign help, the Russian state media has suddenly turned on Trump and Russian planes are buzzing U.S. ships. The bear is going to grab what it can.

This is as good as it gets in trying to eviscerate the Donald. Are you swayed?


  1. Swayed? No. But Trump would get more support from all Americans if he would stop campaigning and making everyone that does not support him the enemy and the opposition. It is time for him to be a unifier and sell all of us that his ideas are for our good, individually and collectively.

    1. The larger population of Americans are only going to be swayed by what he does ... possibly why the left is trying desperately to slow him down.
