Wednesday, February 22, 2017

A Dark Cloud

Billionaire liberal Jeff Bezos not only runs Amazon, personally owns the Washington Post, but, since 2013, also has had a $600 million contract with the CIA to run a huge server farm (also known as the "cloud") for it ... see: The Nation Article. Can we call this a "dark cloud"?

Bezos has an instinct for the levers of power ... the dominant Internet retailer threatening the entire brick-and-mortar retail world, running the major inside-the-beltway media outlet, and a cyber connection to our intelligence community. President Trump also has an instinctual understanding of this potential threat not just to him ... but to our country. Basically, Bezos is as great a tyrannical threat from the left as the left imagines that Trump is from the right.

There is another epic battle of the ideological Titans brewing here which, I predict, will break out before Trump leaves office.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:23 AM

    What and give up Prime. Over my dead body.
