Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Sand in the Gears

I think I saw Trump do what no politician is supposed to be see doing ... sweating ... two casual swipes across his forehead with the back of his finger the other day at one of his public meetings. It is becoming more and more obvious that Congress, in particular the Democrats in Congress, are slow-walking the process of government. Certainly the very few cabinet confirmations enacted so far ... two (Obama had 11 at this point) ... are evidence of this obstruction to Trump's agenda. But Trump is doing his side of things with a flurry of executive orders ... the last of which, the temporary immigration ban from seven terrorist-rich countries, caused a liberal explosion due to its poor implementation planning. Now some on the right are grumbling because no progress is being made on tax cuts and Obamacare reform ... see: Matt Drudge Complains.

Now Trump's really hard work begins ... getting a snippy Congress to do his bidding. Even Obama had the benefit of a fiercely loyal legislative majority when he took office. Trump does not enjoy the same advantage. He has only a luke-warm majority. And Chuck "Tiny Tears" Schumer now is frustrating Trump with every legislative and public relations trick to make his life difficult ... knowing that the American people will take a long time to realize how he is throwing sand in the gears of government. But, it is also clear that Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are also not all that upset about this obstruction. All three probably smiled a little when the saw Trump's finger flick across his forehead.

Will Trump and his Twitter account be able to get things moving on Capital Hill? (I'm sure he realizes what is going on.) This is his first really important test as president ...


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Don't walk to the cliff...run and follow sweaty fingers over the edge.

    1. Can't find the poem reference ... You clearly fear Trump's modus operandi

  2. I'm with "anonymous". I definitely fear (and loathe) Trump's modus. Every day, I watch the news in disbelief. I feel like an helpless observer in pre-Nazi Germany watching Hitler's rise to power through lies, brute force and fear mongering. Even Dick Cheney says "...[the blanket immigration ban] goes against everything we stand for." Every day, Trump (and his claque) reveals a woeful ignorance of the complexities of governing policy. This is not going to turn out well.
