Monday, January 30, 2017

Rigorous vs. Extreme Vetting

Anyone who was awake for the last 8 years had learned to take what the Obama administration claimed with a mountain of salt. And so I always disbelieved their claim that refugees being admitted to our country had been subjected to rigorous vetting which usually took two years. My suspicions were particularly raised when, in the last year of his presidency, thousands of Syrians were brought to America by Obama ... a lot faster than so many could have been passed through such a screening process.

So when I read the following comment on the The Diplomad 2.0 blog from someone who had been in the diplomatic corps and who knew this vetting process first hand ... my (like Trump's) doubts were confirmed. The below description came from the above blog entry referenced:

We have no idea who these "refugees" are. They rip up their passports before they arrive in friendly countries so we cannot verify their identities; they lie about their ages to take advantage of more lenient terms for minors (I read about refugees settled in UK, Netherlands, and Scandinavia and elsewhere who entered as minors who were found to be in their 20s, some in their 30s and even one guy they think is 46!). They are not poor women and children. Over 85% are single, young males. There is NO extreme vetting taking place -- I know from being the refugee officer overseeing resettlement of Iraqi refugees that the NGOs/contractors that are in charge of screening the people are prone to being co-opted. I found out that they were re-opening cases that had been determined to have "no credible fear of persecution" and changing the stories so they could qualify. It gets around real quick which stories work. I also personally heard UN High Commission for Refugees staff admit that they helped refugees obtain fake passports. The Somali who recently shot up someplace in the US. UN refugee rules say that once a refugee has reached a "safe haven country" that they must stay there unless and until they are offered permanent resettlement in a 3rd country. The Somali guy and his family were resettled in Pakistan and had been living there for 5 or 7 years. He should NEVER have been eligible to be resettled in the US.
My bottom line is -- no more refugees until the Arab nations resettle as many as westerns countries and until every idiot protesting the "injustice!!!" hosts at least 1 refugee in their own home, and the Hollywood folks have to take 10 each (their houses are plenty big). 

I think we can now understand President Trump's recent 90-day immigration suspension from 7 terrorist-ridden countries ... and the need to turn sham "rigorous" vetting into "extreme" vetting.


  1. Anonymous10:56 PM

    1. And there have been no deaths from atomic weapons for over 70 years. Does this mean that they are not dangerous? The argument in this link is specious ...
