Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Misandry -- I had to look this term up ... since I had never seen it before. It means "hatred of men" ... the obverse to the term "misogyny," the hatred of women ... a well-known and well-used pejorative for those brutish, testosterone-laden rapists who populate every campus and the halls of Congress.  Now we have a president who easily typifies the male animal and thus has become a target of many of those who did not vote for him. Clearly he has brought much of this vitriol upon himself with some of his comments during his campaign and the "pussy" locker-room reference caught on a hot mic. But it is beginning to feel like the continuing reaction to these missteps are disproportionate ... particularly when compared to how Bill Clinton behaved and was treated when president ... and seemingly still is.

Of course it is only a subset of these marching women who are misandrists ... but just reading many of their anti-male signs and hearing the star-studded rhetoric there leads me to conclude that it was a meaningful theme on display. In particular, Ashley Judd, Madonna, and Gloria Steinem did not hold back when they castigated our current president ... see: UK Sun Story. Even that woman who was thrown off that airplane for her loathsome attack on a Trump supporter demonstrates the unhinged behavior that I think falls into the misandry category ... (e.g., she didn't attack the man's wife who also supported Trump) ... see:Fox News Video.

Perhaps these women have misandry not just for men, but rather particularly for Republican men? Can we invent a new term for this hatred? How about "misgopry"?

I know, I know ... Hillary Clinton and her band of Amazons and pajama boys can accuse Trump voters of misogyny and dozens of other deplorable hate crimes and be forgiven .... but my suggesting here that a good dollop of the Women's Marchers are harboring misandric thoughts is worse than Madonna calling for the White House to be blown up. I understand the current double standard. And I know that the brick bats will be forthcoming. I hope I remember to duck.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    The most egregious comment was made by Ashley Judd re: Trump and his daughter. Even Chelsea Clinton was enraged by a comment made at one of the rallies re: his son. Really. Can't we all just get along.
