Saturday, January 07, 2017


Obamas, celebs party-on in White House despite Ft. Lauderdale airport massacre ...

Trump urges people to 'stay safe' after deadly Ft. Lauderdale shooting

Amazon worth more than Macy's, Sears, Target combined!

Baltimore police in crisis over officer shortage ...

Ryan: Russians didn't interfere with voting, balloting process

Virginia jacks up tolls on express lanes to $30 during rush hour ...

NAACP slams Sessions for prosecuting voter fraud

Trump targets Toyota: Build plant in U.S. or pay big border tax

Report: Hillary pressured to run for NYC Mayor

Carrie Fisher laid to rest in Prozac pill urn

Panetta: Trump's daily emotional, personal feelings tweets will be a 'rough ride' for America

GOP lawmaker removes painting of police as animals from Capitol

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