Thursday, January 12, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

Immigration official okays Syrian immigrants with fake passports ...

Media and CIA fall for "golden shower" hoax ...

NBCBuzzFeed takes fake news to a new level  ...

Trump on alleged Russian blackmail: 'I'm a germophobe ... '

Obama refers to himself 75 times in his farewell address

California storms add 350 billion gallons to parched reservoirs

China defends globalism at Davos. Xi say populism spans poverty and war

Scientists grow beating human heart [from stem cells] ...

Update: Flotida airport shooter is Islamic convert ...

Gunman shouting 'Alihu Akbar' opens fire in Spanish supermarket

Left-wing Vegan denied Swiss passport because she's 'very annoying'

Chicago undercounts murder rate ...

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