Sunday, January 29, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

Chinese New Year's fireworks sparks return to hazardous Beijing pollution

Trump sets 5-year and lifetime lobbying ban for officials ...

California could cut off funds to Feds ... non-compliance with tax code

Trump throws wrench in China Hollywood takeover ...

Zuckerberg halts Hawaii land suit

Elizabeth Warren fails to disclose $1.3 million line of credit

[Trump] ... hopes to reduce EPA staff, carbon footprint by 50%

Report: Malia Obama attends Dakota Access Pipeline protest at Sundance

France and Germany unite to oppose Trump's refugee plan

Trudeau: Canada welcomes migrants

British PM: Trump confirms he is 100% behind NATO

ACLU accuses D.C. police of violating rights of inauguration protesters

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