Monday, January 23, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

Most arrested [inauguration] protesters charged with felony, face ten years in prison ...

STEELERS hotel in Boston evacuated at 3 AM with hoax fire alarm ...

Pope Francis warns against judging Trump too hastily ...

Trump gives FBI Director Comey a pat on the back ...

Passengers cheer as women berating Trump supporter kicked of plane

Update: Zukerberg moves to evict hundreds of Hawaiians from 700-acre estate

Canadians traveling to Women's March say denied entry after disclosing plans ...

Israeli leader to Iran: 'We are your friend, not your enemy' ...

Nigeria arrests 65 at pro-Trump rally ...

McCain and Graham back Tillerson

British Prime Minister Theresa May to attend GOP retreat

Trump on Women's March: 'Why didn't these people vote?'

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