Saturday, January 21, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

Trump signs sweeping order that could gut Obamacare

White House orders 'immediate regulatory freeze'

Churchill bust returns to Trump's gilded Oval Office

Gracious in victory -- Hillary gets standing ovation at Trump's behest

15 Steelers sick with stomach flu days before championship ...

Wash Post admits: Obama spent billions to fix schools, failed

Nancy Sinatra slams [CNN] network: 'Why do you lie?'

Man says 18.9 inch penis a disability, forcing to live off food banks ...

Trump offers father down on his luck $10,000 check at inaugural event

Axelrod: [Trump] Speech 'full-throated populist manifesto' 'lit this town on fire'

AI now smarter than average American ...

Sad Michael Moore: Trump 'will not last the four years'

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