Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Copperhead Snake

I recently had an investment in the largest copper mining company ... along with Carl Ichan. But, after realizing what was happening with the strategic future of this metal, I took my money and ran ... as did Ichan. What prompted my decision?

Copper is primarily used to transmit electricity and information, in minting coinage, in plumbing piping, and in architectural roofing, gutters and other features. Now two of these big uses of copper are on the way out ... transmitting information and household plumbing piping. Increasingly voice and data are transmitted using silicon ... glass fibers. And plastic (PVC) piping is the new and more economical way to move household water. One lone last smaller trend, in micro-electronics, silver and gold are replacing copper because of better ductility and electrical transmission qualities.

So, in the long run, these two major uses of copper will gradually be phased out. Add to this the fact that, in the US, it costs more money to mint a copper penny than it is worth, suggesting that this use may also soon disappear ... maybe even worldwide.

Of course, like often happens on Wall Street, after I (and Ican) sold this copper stock, the price went up ... as did the price of copper! But, like Bernard Baruch once said when asked how he had made so much money, he replied, "I always sold too soon."

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