Friday, December 23, 2016

Petty Paltry Pukes

Samantha Powers

For the first time in history, the UN Security Council officially condemned Israel for its settlement programs in Jerusalem and the West Bank ... see: Breitbart Story. Normally, the United States would have vetoed this motion. However this time Obummer had our UN ambassador, Samantha Powers, abstain ... opening the door for the world to express its latent anti-Semitism and to brand Israel as a pariah for as long as the UN exists. After 8 years of pretending to be Israel's friend, Obummer finally took of his mask just when he and his party could avoid significant political consequence.  I can only conclude that these sniveling actions by our president's administration can only peg him and his as petty paltry pukes. Excuse me for being too kind ...

I do hope that Donald Trump takes this rancid resolution as inspiration for the USA to cut the cord to this worthless institution ...

Afterthought: I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh in years, but I do recall him saying that if liberals accuse someone of something, it is they who are invariably guilty of same. Thus.when they were accusing Steve Bannon and Breitbart of being anti-Semitic Nazis ... in fact they have just demonstrated this behavior in spades ...

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