Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Oppression Olympics

The Students of Color Conference recently held at UCLA has been tagged by a cynic (not me) as the "Oppression Olympics" where all minorities can gather to lament their put-upon fate. Of course this suggestion prompts what some of the events might be that are held there. Here are some of the possible oppressed groups' Olympic contests:

Race Relay Race

Shiite Slalom

Hezbollah High Dive

Islamic Ice Hockey

Giant Gender Slalom

Marijuana Marathon

Cross-dresser Cross Country

Gun Shot Putdown

Transgender Taekwondo

Caitlyn Jenner Memorial Decathlon

Jewish Javelin

Bisexual Biathlon

LSD High Hurdles

Sunni Ski Jump

Allahu Akbar Alpine Combined

LGBT Long Jump

Polish Pole Vault

Dashiki Dash

You are welcome to add your own suggestions ...

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