Monday, December 05, 2016


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

Green Party drops bid for Pennsylvania recount

Madonna still can't cope ... 'Ashamed to be American' ...

Poll: Obama has highest approval rating since 2012 reelection

Cameron: Le Pen victory would be a body blow to Europe

Obama: 'We've made healthcare more affordable for all Americans'

Chicago's top cop: 'Residents are begging me to stop the violence'

Report: TV execs don't see bidding war for Megyn Kelly

Iran Supreme Court upholds tycoon's death sentence for corruption

Female suicide bomber uses three children as decoy to blow herself up

Weiner so broke he can't afford sex addiction rehab

Man who lost sight 20 years ago regains vision ...

Confusion: NYT's [David] Brooks says Trump exceeding expectations with cabinet picks

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