Monday, December 26, 2016


Another of My Entertainment Ciphers

These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

George Michael: From closeted life to gay rights advocate ...

Norquist: Liberals see gov't the way that kids see Santa ...

Germany hunts accomplices of Berlin killer ...

Giuliani: Obama 'lackadaisical' with regards to terrorism

Obama: Would have won, if could run ...

Trump in position to reshape judiciary with 100+ vacancies ...

Berlin plans ministry of truth ...

CAIR wishes for twice the dead in Russian plane crash

Nobel economist: Robots far greater threat to jobs than globalization

[Governor Jerry] Brown grants another 112 pardons for Christmas

Turkey is asking Apple's help in unlocking IPhone of Russian Ambassador's killer

Blizzards, ice storms wreck havoc across northern plans ...

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