Friday, December 02, 2016


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

New Android malware breaches more than 1 million Google accounts

Exclusive: Steve Mnuchin says there will be 'no absolute tax cut for the upper class'

China hikes tax on imported luxury cars

Flashback: Obama mocks plan to keep [Carrier] plant in USA

Kellogg Foundation gave almost $1 million to support Black Lives Matter

Mike Pence meets with Condoleezza Rice ...

Cincinnati crowd boos Gov. Kasich at Trump's 'Thank You Tour' event

Shock poll: 4 in 10 Brit Muslims want Sharia law ...

2/3 of illegals admitted under Obama 'minor' program -- are adults!

Sanders says Carrier deal sets a dangerous precedent

Bloody month in Chicago brings death toll past 700 mark

Parkinson's [disease] linked to bacteria in the gut

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