Monday, December 19, 2016


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

Germany's 'rent a Jew' project means to fight anti-Semitism ...

[Polluted] Beijing chokes: factories ordered shut ...

Coldest Chicago NFL game in history ...

Peter King: CIA's Brennan should be investigated for 'hit job' on Trump

Podesta suggests Trump associates may have colluded with Russian hackers

Apple, Facebook, Google and Uber say they won't help Trump develop a registry of Muslims

The Donald tweets to China 'Keep the drone'

'Impartial' BBC calls Trump election an 'American tragedy'

Americans bought 17,850 tons of imported ammo in last 12 months

Senior Taliban member tries for asylum in Germany under fake identity

ACLU backs Zukerberg's censorship of new media on Facebook

Wall Street economists doubtful Fed will deliver on [3] rate hikes

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