Thursday, December 22, 2016


Discrimination has become a dirty word. Once, if one had discriminating tastes, it was a good thing. Now, no more. If one favors something over another ... no matter what ... one is ironically discriminated against. Our founding fathers recognized religion and creed as discrimination no-nos. (Add race, color and gender later by Constitutional amendment.) Now, these taboo categories are inflated and virtually endless. If I paid attention to all these strictures, I could not shun convicted felons, lewd-lyric rappers, new Black Panthers, Scientologists, pedophiles, radical Islamists, Communists, those with "fluid genders," satanists, and Lena Dunham (whatever she is).

Hellery Clinton recently twisted things with a short list of those whom I am now allowed to hate ... the deplorables ... sexists, racists, homophobes, xenophobes and Islamophobes. And all of the myriad of the discriminated-against groups I was required not just to tolerate, but to embrace.

But now that Hellery is relegated to walking the woods, can I go back to not discriminating against just race, color, religion, gender and creed? No?

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