Wednesday, November 09, 2016

What Now?

About two weeks ago I offered here some tongue-in-the-cheek suggestions as to how to adjust to a Trump victory. Surprisingly, since this event actually did occur last night, I think I might reprise these suggestions here:

- Open a relo service to Canada and New Zealand 
- Go into the construction business along our southern border
- Make sure your dead uncle's vote was counted
- Cancel your subscription to the New York Times
- Buy coal company stocks
- Abandon writing a book on the Bush family 
- Buy deep-discounted Russian bonds
- Swear to your friends you voted for her
- Open a McDonald's franchise near the White House
- Get a job
- Rescind your pledge to contribute to the Clinton Foundation 
- Short Goldman Sachs stock
- Buy a gas guzzler

To this list I might also now add the following events:

- All the printers at the Clinton Foundation will run out of paper due to the slews of resumes being produced there

- A number of media members will change their professions

- A number of polling organizations will start selling Slurpees

- Huma Abedin will convert to Buddhism

- Hellary Clinton will start raising money for her Almost-Presidential Library

- FBI Director James Comey and Anthony Weiner will be put on suicide watches as notes to those ends have already been discovered

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