Monday, November 14, 2016


New York Times columnist, Ross Douthat, has been taking a psychedelic and staring into his pool of mercury like Nostradamus and has written a column projecting what American life will be like four years hence. With Donald Trump just having been re-elected to another four year term ... easily defeating the Elizabeth Warren, Corey Booker duo ... his first term was filled with some successes and a few flops ... see: NY Times Op-Ed. In this opinion piece Douthat admits that two out of his three previous week's predictions (domestic economic collapse and a run-up to the Third World War) did not occur in Trumps first term ... but civil unrest still persisted.   Bowing to his editorial superiors, Douthat throws them a few bones ... calling Kellyanne Conway "Svengali" and dissing Sean Hannity.

Nevertheless, an interesting read.

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