Friday, November 25, 2016

Horse Feathers

Much of the American media and the Clinton crime family are working overtime to try to tie Steve Bannon and, by implication his boss, Donald Trump, to the so-called "alt-right" movement. We were introduced to this term this past summer by Hellary Clinton when she contemptuously spat it out. If you, like me, want to understand what this new pejorative means, try reading the USA Today Article.

After perusing this USA Today explanation, I can find little if any tangible ties between Bannon or Trump and the alt-right movement ... or even find any substance to the movement itself. And, I have been reading Breitbart News for years and I don't recall ever seeing any Nazi or white nationalist propaganda there. So, try as they might, please view the alt-left's attempt to so smear Bannon and Trump to be horse feathers.


  1. Your source: "Last week, Trump announced that Stephen Bannon would be his chief strategist in the White House. Bannon was previously the head of Breitbart News, which he had dubbed “the platform for the alt-right.”
    So if neo-nazis are in an audience yelling "Heil Trump," perhaps he has said something that resonates with them.

    1. You're using guilt by association. Trump has disavowed alt-right support 6 million times. Need he do it 6,000,0001?

    2. Perhaps he has said some things that resonate with neo-nazi skinheads?

    3. Like ... "I can't turn down bacon or beer?" ... There are thousands of things that he could say that skinheads might agree with. How does that make him a skinhead?

  2. If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, maybe it is a duck.
