Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Fruit Loops

Kellogg's will no longer allow its ads to be placed on, a news aggregating site on the Internet ... formerly run by Steve Bannon, Donald Trump's new Chief Strategist. This action is apparently a reflection of the political bias of Kellogg's CEO and other suits there in Battle Creek, Michigan ... see: Powerline Blog Explanation.

I have always wondered why company executives would ever reveal their politics to their customers and risk alienating large blocks of potential buyers ... can we say a "boneheaded move?" Now Breitbart and, I would assume Steve Bannon, are fighting back and are urging a boycott of Kellogg's products -- mostly breakfast cereals ... one of which is Fruit Loops ... see: Dump Kellogg's.

Might it be that this saccharin-sweet children's breakfast indulgence was named after Kellogg's CEO, John "Fruit Loop" Bryant?

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