Sunday, November 27, 2016

Dirty Words

From Powerline Blog

The recent election of Donald Trump for U.S. President, the roiling within the European Union and the death of Fidel Castro in Cuba ... all have uncovered many misguided and twisted beliefs of newly disenfranchised progressives here and abroad. Now they are angry at feeling their power slipping away. You can see them carrying signs professing these regressive ideas and oppressive notions. Too often these placards carry messages anathema to freedom-loving people ... decrying what used to be held sacred. Now these sacraments have become dirty words to many on the left. Here are just a few of those words that have been so debased:

Patriotism ... Nationalism ... Family Values ... Capitalism ... Faith ... Truth ... Freedom ...  Rule of law ... Founding Fathers ... Democracy ... Honor ... Heroism ... Honesty ... Piety ... Loyalty ... Sacrifice

Are any of these words anathema to you?

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