Sunday, November 13, 2016


The United States has had only one glancing blow from a hurricane in the last eleven years ... and now we learn that the number of tornadoes are also down here for the fifth year in a row ... see: Climate Depot Story. Yikes! This can't be! Climate change is supposed to be bad! It is a goblin that is forcing us to hide under our beds in trembling trepidation of extremes of all sorts that will kill polar bears and traumatize snail darters. But we are now learning that some of this naturally-occurring change can be good. This is bad! It has to be bad to be good! Legions of fake scientists buy their timeshares in Hawaii or their new Porsche 911s by ringing the alarm bells every government-grant cycle about the next climate catastrophe that is about to occur. If we don't have more catastrophes how will they survive?

Isn't it ironic that President Obummer who rode in office eight years ago under the banner of "change" could then spend billions of taxpayer dollars fighting the bugbear "climate change" ... which anyone with a room temperature IQ realizes is what Mother Nature has been doing for eons ... all to keep us on our toes. Yet, without even trying, Obummer was in office when this good climate change happened. He must be Devine.

If you are compelled to read more about what Obummer changed and didn't change during his plutocratic romp at the White House, read Peter Baker's thoughts on the subject in the New York Times  Opinion Piece. He gets it about half right.

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