Monday, October 03, 2016

The Ryder Cup

Thank God for the Ryder Cup golf tournament! Staying loyal to my pledge not to watch NFL football games as long as these Anthem protests continue, I do need some excuse to stay supine on Sunday afternoons. Enter the Ryder Cup yesterday ... providing some excellent suspenseful matches between the US. and European duffers. Not one of these golfers took a knee or raised a fist showing their hatred of his country. Yes, all these players were male ... and white ... so I was guilty of not necessarily respecting the Black Lives narrative. Sorry ... I did escape into escapism and will, I am sure be punished in the afterlife. (For you die-hard football fans, the U.S. did  prevail.)

In the meantime, since golf is soon going away for the season, I need to find some other excuse to laze away my Sunday afternoons.

Ice hockey?

1 comment:

  1. Bill Belichick was sorry he was watching football yesterday.
