Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Of Like Minds

One of the analogies about this election that I have been using in my conversations (and I thought in this blog ... but I can't seem to find it) is that November 8th is like a game of Russian Roulette. Picking Donald Trump is like loading the revolver with one bullet whereas the Clinton game requires all six bullets to be filled. Now, reading the Powerline Blog, I see that our favorite cartoonist, Michael Ramirez, has, independently come up with this same notion ... only he has put three bullets in the Trump gun and six for Hellary ... in a cartoon labeled "American Roulette".

Ramirez and I are clearly of like minds. Yes, voting for Trump is a risky gamble ... but picking Hellary is suicidal.

(On third thought, maybe my written analogy was as an old comment on the Diplomad blog?)

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