Thursday, October 06, 2016

Observations of the Day

Why is almost every female talking head on the Fox News Network a bleached blond? Or, to offer a variation on an old chestnut, "Never get into a argument with a TV network that buys its peroxide by the barrel" (Rush Limbaugh has a quaint appellative for such female commentators ... he calls the them "infobabes.")

And speaking of Rush Limbaugh (who I haven't listened to for over a year) ... he kiddingly  used to call the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas ... the "Bill Clinton Library and Massage Parlor." How right he has turned out to be. Ed Klein in his new book, Guilty as Sin, has just revealed that the Clinton Library has been regularly used for foot massages and wet tee shirt contests ... see: Breitbart Story.

Again to paraphrase another old saw, "One should never underestimate the debauchery of Bubba Clinton."

1 comment:

  1. Duh! The women were hired as Foxes. By sleazebag Ailes. There's more debauchery there than in getting Clinton's foot massages and "alleged" wet tee shirt contests.

    Imagine (likely real) Rush wandering around a huge cold empty dark Xanadu of a house, stroking his cat, smoking a cigar, and pondering the very decadence of getting a pleasant foot massage or viewing the occasional turgid nipple. Such debauchery! We should all strive to be more like Rush...
