Wednesday, October 05, 2016


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

Kim Kardashian held at gunpoint in Paris hotel ... begged for her life

Gary Hart: Hillary doesn't get it ...

EU warns Brit press NOT to reveal when terrorists are Muslims ...

Fashion show attendees, media skeptical of [Kim Kardashian] robbery story ...

FLOTUS: 'We need someone who is honest and plays by the rules' as president

NFL ratings ugly ...

Scarborough: Bill Clinton is trying to destroy his wife's campaignh

NYT Flashback: Hillary on Jennifer Flowers, 'I would crucify her" ...

Kardashian robbery not caught on surveillance cam ...

FBI agreed to destroy Clinton aides' laptops after granting them immunity

Bill Clinton on Obamacare: 'It's the craziest system in the world' ...

Pew: Most Americans don't believe in 'climate change consensus' ...

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