Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Different Drummers

Watching Morning Joe on MSNBC this AM was a crepe-hanging event. Going into tonight's last presidential debate, virtually every guest thereon  was happily convinced that Donald Trump had no chance of winning on November 8th ... and that he was likely to do serious damage to the Republican Party for years to come. My dolor was oppressive ... to the point where I suspected other Trump supporters might be tempted to open a vein. I'm sure that this was the program's intent ... but not entirely insidious ... for such prognosticators like to be right in the end. If things were to turn around there might not be enough free-range hens to lay enough eggs to cover all their faces.

So who am I to dispute all these talking-head experts ... or for that matter virtually all my friends and acquaintances who are either in the Hellary camp or who will blank the top of the ticket? And I won't be such a Pollyanna as to claim that polls are totally biased or will reverse themselves. But I also won't throw in the towel. I would prefer to go down in flames than to give the nod to a woman who either will not be able to serve out her four-year term ... or, even worse, will.

So I will keep marching to the different drummers ... even if their drums are muffled with black cloths.


Anonymous said...

I have seen the light. I have seen the light!
I am ashamed to tell you that my weak self had been duped by TV scum. One day, the realization came upon me that I was a weak unsaved fool who would burn in hell. I got down on my knees and prayed with all of my unsaved soul. It was then I became subservient to the wishes of the savior. I spent all day learning the bible, obeying every word and washing dishes, and doing chores. I pray that I have started my path to salvation. Forgive me for my previous ignorance.

George W. Potts said...

Somehow I don't think that this means that you will be voting for Trump ...

Gaiseric said...

You fought the good fight, George. But it wasn't one you could possibly win. It'll be a rough four years, but this country will come through it ok. It did with the first Clinton iteration.