Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Clinton Smoke Machine

The Clinton smoke machine is working overtime ... trying to obscure and obfuscate the many damning e-mail revelations coming out of Wikileaks. Somehow one must conclude that the Clintonistas got Ecuador to turn off Julian Assange's access to the Internet to try to buy them some time in this cover up ... after all, they seem to have run out of willing accusers of Trump's sexual peccadilloes. The daily dumps of these slimy epistles has been relentless ... and Hellary's suggested drone strike of Assange on the Ecuadorean embassy balcony was dismissed as being a little too radical.

Of course there are lots of minds working on this smoke blowing project ... the Clinton crime family, the Obummer administration and the friendly national media. But the smudge pots are running out of old tires to burn ... keeping things confused after each e-mail dump. Claiming that these e-mails are manufactured is not working because there is too much corroborating evidence contained in this massive information trove. To totally fracture this smoke metaphor, it's kinda like a California wildfire driven by the Santa Ana winds ... every time things seem contained, another inferno breaks out.

So all this smoke is directed at the American voter. However, I am not affected because I am sitting down.


  1. “Can’t we just drone this guy?” Clinton asked, according to unidentified state department sources.
    She can't win with you conservative wimps. Assange has done more damage to US interests than Saddam Hussein. He should have been taken-out. PS, I think there are more Trump accusers waiting in the wings for their 15 minutes. I predict that Mike Pence drops out in embarrassment. Hello Sarah Palin?

    1. I have stated in the past that both Assange and Snowden should be given the Medal of Freedom just before being placed in front of a firing squad.
