Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Carom Shot

To keep with its insidious methods of getting around Congress ... its oversight and funding controls ... the Obummer Justice Department under the direction of Eric Holder concocted a carom-shot way of the public funding of private lefty organizations ... in particular those ever-evasive "community organizers" (read voter fraud cabals). How was this bunco game pulled off you ask? Here's how:

1) The Justice Department fines a public company a large amount of money (often a financial institution and often in the billions of dollars) for misfeasance and malfeasance often associated with the bursting of the housing bubble.

2) Offer the fined company the option of paying just a fraction of this amount (sometimes as little as 10%) to a designated "community organizing" group who then were supposed to use this money to right the wrongs created by the fined company. This, of course, was often the option picked by the transgressors.

3) This community organizing group were then free to use these funds for often Democrat political purposes (such as voter fraud) ... away from the view and control of Congress. If you will, an Obummer administration sponsored extra-legal money laundering operation.

The degree to which the Justice Department has been politicized under this current administration is mind-boggling. To see the depressing details of this particular scam of theirs, see: GAI.

This also smacks of the Justice Department's Fast and Furious extra-legal gun running operation to Mexico ... that should have resulted in criminal indictments ... but, as we have too often seen this "Just Us" group seldom will prosecute its own or those on the left.

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