Saturday, October 22, 2016

Brotherhood's Keeper

Are we.the Muslim Brotherhood's keeper? To a certain degree, yes, we already are ... and will be much more so if Hellary Clinton is elected president. The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is, to many, a terrorists organization ... but it's slowly becoming our own terrorist organization as it stealthily insinuates itself into our government. President Obummer has already met with this group multiple times at the White House. And we also know that Hellary's close confidant, Huma Abedin, previously worked for 12 years for the main MB publication and that her family (father, mother, brother) are key executives in the worldwide MB organization. (If you don't know these things, read The Hill Article or, if you prefer, The Washington Post Article.) But now we find out that the Clinton Foundation employed the MB's chief spokesman, Gehad El-Haddad, for a formative five years ... see: Powerline Blog. He is now in prison in Egypt.

During the Obummer administration ... and with its support ... the Muslim Brotherhood under Morsi came within a whisker of turning Egypt into a totalitarian caliphate and now is on trial there for a series of heinous crimes. I would like to believe differently, but I am convinced the the MB tenants are ever so slowly shaping the foreign policy in the United States ... and that we are now on the doorstep of its attempt to duplicate the Egyptian experience here.

I know it is often difficult for we complacent Americans to confront a dangerous future, but now it's decision time folks.


  1. Anonymous7:12 AM

    George, stop reading those right-wing rags.

  2. The Post article includes comments from Dale F. Eickelman of Dartmouth College(!), who is a member of the journal’s advisory board, described it as a “fairly innocuous journal.” The article is summarized with four Pinocchios (Whopper!) status. Your own source discredits your allegations. Read the story through to the end...

  3. Perhaps you need to read more. Like, maybe you should have read the *whole* article you cited from Washington Post. They gave 4 Pinocchios to your allegations about Huma (and her relatives). Perhaps you forgot that Morsi was the first *elected* president of Egypt. That might explain diplomatic contact.

  4. I gave people the option of sources. I am not surprised that WaPo was chosen. Now as an exercise in fairness go back and read The Hill piece and try to see if things are as you now see them. I did read the WaPo article and The Hill article ... apparently unlike my fans.

  5. So Huma is an adherent of Sharia law who wears no scarf, often bare shoulders, is purportedly Hillary's lesbian lover, and is married to a Jewish exhibitionist. Good deflection but you would think that all that would get her killed by strict interpreters of Sharia law.

    1. Another tenet of Islam is Taqiyya which allows such deception for the sake of the faith ... see: Just maybe?

  6. Sort of like Donald Trump pretending he is a Republican. Maybe Bernie presenting as not socialist Jew. Or Sarah Palin parlaying running a laundromat in Wasilla Alaska as a voice of conservative scholarship. Ya gotta wonder.... is ir better to have someone who speaks the language and knows the culture at your side or not a clue beyond Queens. Keep your friends close (Does Donald have any?) bur keep your enemies closer.

    1. According to legend, Hellary is keeping the Muslim Brotherhood mole real real close ...
