Saturday, September 24, 2016


As someone who is worth about $23 billion and is hell bent on disrupting Western institutions and corrupting the country that has adopted him, he seems a strangely caustic citizen. He has supported with enormous funding mass migration of mostly Muslims into the Western world ... see: CNBC Article. He wants the U.S. federal government to control local police departments ... see: Breitbart Story. He has generously funded Occupy Wall Street (see: Human Events Article) and Black Lives Matter (see: Breitbart Article). He is often in the middle of urban unrest situations ... see: Breitbart Article. He is buying politicians ...  see: Yahoo News Story and expects them to do his bidding ... see: The American Mirror Story. And he has many other against-the-grain causes over which he sprinkles his peresuasive pelf.

This naturalized citizen being referred to is none other than George Soros (née, Gyorgy Schwartz in Hungary in 1930). He has made his money in currency trading and with a hedge fund ... and so he knows what levers to pull to get things done ... however insidious the consequences. For more on his special causes and checkered life, see: Wikipedia Entry

Why is he such a dangerous provocateur? Does he hold some kind of secret grievance or grudge against civilized society? Perhaps he is just feeling his Wheaties and wants to show the world how powerful he has become with all his pieces of silver? Maybe he is playing out some villainous role in his imagined James Bond movie? Is he merely a misanthrope (he has been married three times)? Or perhaps he is just an evil asshole? But whatever his real motivations, he is almost as powerful as El Chapo was before his recapture. (I am not suggesting offings, but who knows?) The problem is ... not only are governments not trying to rein him in ... they are often abetting his monstrous mischief.


  1. Let's hang him, and then go get the Koch brothers who are also destroying democracy.

  2. Yes, if Moral Equivalency = logical response to hypocrisy. Why aren't the Koch's equally evil and deserving of hanging?

    1. I suppose because the Koch bros. are trying to preserve and strengthen US institutions whereas Soros is trying to tear them down ...
