Friday, September 09, 2016

I Robot

Hellary Clinton is appearing more and more programmed these days. Clearly her health issues require a phalanx of aides ... ready to spring into action with water (or whatever?), powerful throat lozenges, and maybe even an injection of diazepam (anti-seizure medication) as soon as her enfeebled health requires. Now we learn that either she is hard of hearing ... or she was being coached the other night when answering Matt Lauer at the Commander-in-Chief Forum. It has been reported that she was wearing a flesh-colored ear bud which, as confirmed by the NYPD, was receiving radio signals as an "inductive ear piece"... presumably helping her hesitatingly answer Lauer's questions ... see: Infowars Article.

The Clinton Foundation posse has turned this woman into a walking talking robot ... helping her up the stairs, keeping the press corps at bay and, now, seemingly answering her questions for her. All she needs to do is make her lips move and have her remote Edgar Bergen fill in the words. And on Thursday, to play like she was having a press conference, she descended from her new airplane and answered four planted questions from reporters. How do I know that they were planted you ask? Because, the reporters asking the questions had microphones. They were clearly posing leading questions ... allowing her to try to cover her mess from the previous night and to attack Trump. And any other reporters who wanted to ask real questions had no mics and therefore were dismissed ... including Andrea Mitchell (with a feigned compliment).

We will all know that Hellary has been fully converted into a cyborg when we see an electric power cord coming out the bottom of her pantsuit ... perhaps in her first debate?


  1. Anonymous11:16 AM

    You have to stop spreading rumors. I know you don’t like Clinton, but don’t jump on the conspiracy bandwagon. It’s beyond you.

    Even Trump now says Obama was born in the US.

    1. Please read the link I provided in the post. It says that the NYPD detected RF transmissions and that Huma, once in an e-mail, asked HRC if she remembered her ear piece. Snopes today is nothing more than an arm of the DNC. (Check that out on Snopes).

  2. I just watched the entire forum. Her tongue magically has no hole, and both ears look totally clear, although the reflection at some angles positions, the makeup folks should have powdered inside her ears.

    As to your other point, you seem to decry her pausing to think before speaks, typically a best practice for anyone.

    1. Lauer repeatedly asked her to speed up her responses. Trump was asked twice as many questions as she was. I doubt if skin can get so shiny white on its own .,,

  3. Well watch it again. When she turns her head a bit it seems to reflect bright lights on oily skin then a bit of a head turn later, it is not reflecting. That's some magical earpiece...

    If Lauer really wanted her to cover the commander in chief questions in the allotted time, he should not have wasted 8 of the first 9 questions on those *damned* emails.

  4. Thank you! But who scripted 8 questions about emails into a commander in chief forum? Maybe in the general debates....even their they are a waste of time. Can we/they not just look forward and discuss policy ideas? I recall when party platforms presented debatable points of view. I guess I am just a sentimentalist.

    1. I actually think that her mishandling of classified and top secret info is quite important in rating her qualifications as CIC.

  5. I am watching Hellery's talk after her NSA briefing ... and interestingly, even though she is reading her comments, her hair now well covers her ears. If she takes questions, It will be interesting to see if her conversational pace slows down.

  6. She took four questions about North Korea ... about ten minutes ... and as she was walking off, took another shot at Trump for his stance on Putin. Very low energy ...

  7. Ah, the 'very low energy' meme again. It makes you wonder what the perceived energy level was of candidates and Presidents before the intense film and internet coverage. As i reflect on this, high energy seems to characterize Ross Perot, Sarah Palin, and maybe Teddy Roosevelt. Certainly not Nixon, Reagan, HW or Dubya... or McCain or Romney or Cheney... or Jeb!

    Seems important to you that a world leader be able to shoot from the hip and ask questions later.

  8. Read the Diplomad's reaction to her presser: ""
