Friday, September 02, 2016


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

Obama frees 111 more drug offenders

Professors tells students: Drop class if you dispute man-made climate change

Saudi Arabia sentences man to 10 years in jail for tweeting he was an ATHIEST

[French] Couple brutally attacked after ordering ham on their pizza

Facebook satellite explodes at SpaceX launch

Crowds surge into streets to demand recall of Venezuela president

Trump mulls using seized [Mexican drug] cartel assets to pay for wall

Leaked Pelosi memo: Obama's Iraq withdrawal created Islamic State

College freshmen asked to wear colored buttons indictating sexual preference pronoun

Chef goes deaf after eating the world's hottest noodles

Brazil Rousseff stripped of presidency in historic impeachment vote ...

Discovery of 3.7-billion-year- old fossil may be the earliest sign of life on Earth

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