Friday, September 23, 2016

Bunch of Hicks

His actions belie the folksy manner of his continued prevarications. He is avuncular and disarmingly believable when he looks through the TV screen and lowdown lies to us gullible Americans. Somehow we keep forgetting these subterfuges because he seems so convincing. Now, we learn of another whopper ... he has sworn, like he has on many occasions when backed into an embarrassing corner, that he had learned about Hellary's illegal e-mail server in the media.

Well, ladies and gents, I hate to disappoint you once again, but, yes, President Obummer has again misremembered things. It seems that not only did he know what e-mail malfeasance she was about, but he was also sending and receiving messages to crooked Hellary's server ... UNDER A PSEUDONYM ... see: Politico Story. Unfortunately I can't say I am surprised. He, like Hellary mixes fiction among fact with aplomb ... like the peanuts in a Cracker Jack box. This evil man is cloaked in respectable sartorial splendor and presents himself so well in speech and manner that he still enjoys the respect of 58% of we Americans.

Boy! are we one stupid bunch of hicks ...

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