Thursday, August 25, 2016

Six Word Stories

Yesterday on NPR I heard Peter Berg discussing an interesting literary challenge ... to write an ultra-short story in only six words. He related that Earnest Hemingway was once given this dare and he supposedly came up with "For sale. Baby shoes. Never used." Mr Berg gave many other examples of such creative efforts. The only other one that I remember is, "Days are long. Years are short." However, if this concept strikes your fancy, you should go to Berg's website and read more ... see: Six Word Stories ... or Google for more possibilities.

I obviously can't leave this subject without also trying my fingers with this challenge ... so here goes:

"Lifetime of lying ... rewarded with presidency."


  1. Dreamed of dystopia; voted for Trump.

  2. Muchas gracias por éstos post increíbles, lo más importante para nosotros es seguir aprendiendo mucho, todos los días, me gustaría compartir con ustedes mi conocimiento sobre los margenes en word, para que mejores la calidad de los textos.
