Sunday, August 14, 2016

No Fly Zone

Louisiana is now experiencing historic record flooding ... not this time from the likes of Hurricane Katrina, but rather because of just plain torrential rains which have flooded many of the same upstate  areas where George Bush's perfidy caused wide devastation back in 2005 ... see: Weather News. Although the death toll between the two events is not comparable, certainly the damage to personal property may soon be nearing parity.

President Obummer, having learned from history, has decided not to fly over these devastated flooded zones to look down in sympathy. Rather, he has opted to play another few rounds of golf on Martha's Vineyard.


  1. Truthtalker9:21 AM

    Can't blame the guy for not wanting to fly over Louisiana in this heat. Besides that, playing golf uses up less taxpayer-funded jet fuel.

  2. Guess he heard you...

    Besides, if Obama had flown over Louisiana, there would be details of how much that cost taxpayers when it is obvious what is happening.

    I think there might be telephones, TVs, and internet connections on the Vineyard...
