Saturday, August 13, 2016

A Poem

Clinton Chappaqua Estate

Now comes the time
For us to rhyme
About beloved Hillary

She took a server
Made it serve her
For her skulduggery

From nearly broke
She and her bloke
Found a money tree

With friends inside
They greased the slide
With a phony charity

Others took the bait
With her at State
I scratch you, if you, me

She's made amends
With many friends
One who's partly Cherokee

The pelf rolled in
For all her kin
One ending in maternity

She got so rich
That Oz-land witch
Life was all 99 Chablis

At the Chappaqua manse
She took no chance
It's now a risky property

So, as ye can clearly see
You built a wall for me
But not for thee

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