Friday, July 08, 2016

Spinning Out of Control

It's a lethal cocktail ... live cell-phone videos of confrontations between police and potentially dangerous black men in which the black men are shot and killed ... instant messages from eye witnesses who foment racial hatred by lying or jumping to conclusions before all the facts are known ... a black president who prematurely goes on television implying that the police are most often to blame in these matters ... media which too quickly jumps to stereotyping these incidents from a racial point of view. For a fairly balanced and thoughtful bit of opinion journalism on this issue, read : Yahoo Analysis.

It is now much more of a "we" and "they" world ... everything has become overly stratified ... BeyoncĂ© comes out with a letter that decries police brutality and says, "Stop killing us" ... see: Breitbart Article. The "us" are blacks ... it's blacks versus the police ... thanks partially to our fixated president who has again convinced many blacks, using the shooting of two armed black men by police,  that cops are racists by nature. President Obummer, before all the circumstances are fully known, went on Polish television and slyly spun out his bigoted view of law enforcement. On the other hand, the Dallas black Police Chief, David Brown, did a far far better job than our president of calming things down and bringing the races together ... see: TMZ Video.

What a sad indictment of our nation's leaderless leader.

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