Sunday, July 03, 2016


No, this blog entry has nothing to do with Einstein. It is about comparing our presidential politicians on the important issues. For instance, Donald Trump wants to build a wall on the Mexican border to stop the hoards of illegals from entering the United States ... whereas Hellery Clinton has been advocating for "open borders," with little or no restriction on who, how, when or where immigrants enter the United States. And since a huge proportion of recent immigrants end up receiving public assistance, to me, this is a recipe for "The Decline and Fall of the American Empire." Yes, and a disproportionate percentage of these illegals end up committing other crimes ... please peruse: The Center for Immigration Studies ... another good reason for enforcing current immigration laws.

Like most Americans, both Hellery and The Donald are "free traders", but Trump believes that the devil is in the details. Pacts like TPP and NAFTA give up too much U.S. sovereignty and economic leverage according to Trump and need to be renegotiated. Whereas Hellery thinks that these trade agreements are just fine ... even though the evidence shows that NAFTA has decimated U.S. manufacturing. Yes, the lefties say that automation is the chief reason for the decline in what was once U.S. manufacturing employment levels. If that be the case, why then relocate factories off shore since the labor content is so low anyway? This does nothing but cause our balance of payments to sink further into the red.

The Democrats and Hellery are hell bent, every time there is a terrorist attack at home, in blaming the gun if there is one involved. The terrorist's culpability is somehow secondary. If the weapon of choice is not a gun ... say a pressure cooker or a box cutter ... then lefties bend over backwards to find some other reason for this terror other than the Religion of Peace. Donald Trump however brags that he has a license to carry a firearm and often does. He promises that he will be a staunch defender of the Second Amendment ... whereas Hellery will appoint new justices of the Supreme Court who will surely gut this precious American civil right. Trump also recognizes that Islam is the common denominator in most of this terror and wants stricter vetting of immigrants from Muslim nations where such terror is rampart. Hellery wants to import tens of thousands more of these potential "Allahu Akbar" miscreants.

Dear reader, this is enough relativity for today. Trust me, I will entertain you with more in the not too distant future.

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