Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Powder Puff Journalism

The New York Times has given the Hellery Clinton machine an opportunity to describe what her presidency might be like in her first hundred days. If there was ever a more fictionalized, self-serving, voting bloc patronizing collection of bribery (keeping Loretta Lynch on as AG) and pissant propaganda, then I have seldom seen it in the American media. Assuming you have not just eaten, then take a gander at this brown-nosing blather that the Times is trying to pass off as serious journalism ... NY Times Puff Piece.

If you don't follow hyperlinks, let me just here give you a small taste of this pathetic pandering puffery:
Should she win the presidency, Hillary Clinton would quickly try to find common ground with Republicans on an immigration overhaul and infrastructure spending, risking the wrath of liberals who would like nothing more than to twist the knife in a wounded opposition party. 
In her first 100 days, she would also tap women to make up half of her cabinet in hopes of bringing a new tone and collaborative sensibility to Washington, while also looking past Wall Street to places like Silicon Valley for talent — perhaps wooing  Sheryl Sandberg from Facebook, and maybe asking Tim Cook from Apple to become the first openly gay cabinet secretary.
Former President Bill Clinton would keep a low public profile, granting few interviews and avoiding any moves that could create headaches for his wife, like his recent meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch during theF.B.I.’s investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s email practices. 
Mrs. Clinton would even schmooze differently than the past few presidents have. Not one to do business over golf or basketball, she would bring back the intimate style of former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Lyndon B. Johnson, negotiating over adult beverages. Picture a steady stream of senators, congressmen and other leaders raising a glass and talking policy in the Oval Office with her and her likely chief of staff, John D. Podesta, as her husband pops in with a quick thought or a disarming compliment.
The byline on this powder-puff piece is Patrick Healy. Mr. Healy wrote a similar piece on Donald Trump in May wherein the slant was decidedly mocking ... see: Trump's First Hundred Days. May I assume, if Hellery wins, this sycophant will be appointed Ambassador to Bermuda?

Being that the Times takes marching orders from the Democrat National Committee, I think that more hit pieces should be soon appearing in the pages of the Gray Lady ... smearing Donald Trump with the same gusto that penned these Hellery Clinton wet kisses.

And we thought that the age of yellow journalism was at the beginning of the last century.

Afterward: Powerline is in agreement ... see: Powerline Blog.

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