Monday, July 25, 2016


Do you sense that we are growing accustomed to terrorist strikes? I do. Sunday, in Ansbach, Germany a suicide bomber from Syria blew himself up injuring 12 ... 3 critically ... and near Stuttgart, Germany, a pregnant woman was hacked to death by a machete wielding Syrian refugee and two others were wounded. The rest of the world has taken little note of these events ... see: Express Article and Yahoo New Story. German police are reluctant to say that these were terrorism ... but, then again, what were they? Pyromania and Misogyny? And this came just two days after an 18-year old Iranian immigrant killed nine youngsters at a McDonald's in Munich, Germany ... all the while yelling Allahu Akbar! I don't think this translates into, "I didn't get special sauce on my Big Mac!" Do you? And this all then echos the July 18 ax attack by a 17-year old Afghan/Pakistani immigrant severely injuring five people on a train near Nuremberg, Germany. Was he just practicing for his Boy Scout Trail Blazing merit badge? I don't think so. (These dire consequences cannot reflect well on German Chancellor Angela Merkel's policy of welcoming hoards of Muslim immigrants.)

And let's not forget Nice, France ... and that Muslim ice cream truck driver ...

As the pace of these attacks by those from the "Religion of Peace" quickens, it seems that much of the world is becoming inured to these brutalities and, because of some liberal-mind malfunction, is very reluctant to call them wannabe Muslim terrorism or motivated by ISIS. I find this bazaare and predictably quite dangerous.

Afterward: And another ... see: Daily Mail Article.

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