Monday, July 25, 2016


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

Kerry: Air conditioners as big a threat as ISIS

DNC erects 4 mile fence around Philly site ...

Bernie's sellout price: 'A plane ... or I contest the convection'

Ohio: Another major labor union backs Republican

Mexican newspaper: build Trump-style wall with Central America

Iran destroys 100,000 'morally damaging' satellite dishes

6,726 Syrian refugees admitted to U.S. this year -- only 23 Christians ...

Computers to use all the world's energy by 2040

Turkey issues arrest warrants for 42 journalists after coup

Syrian refugee machetes [pregnant] woman to death [in Germany]

Drugs, vanishing jobs strain rural America ...

Troops fear Obama rushing Mosul offensive to influence election

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