Sunday, July 03, 2016

Data Schmata

There is an edict that has driven much of my thinking over the years ... and that is, "Data drives out speculation." This, of course, assumes that the data is pure and uncorrupted. Wrong again, Pollyanna! It appears that the climate-change "alarmists" worship another false aphorism ... "Speculation drives the data!"

It now appears that scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) have corrupted their original, almost twenty years worth of, raw data to suit their global-warming speculations ... and we are not allowed to know who these culprits are ... see: Daily Caller Article.

So, if we can't trust the data schmata, whom can we trust? Barack Obummer perhaps?

Afterward: I didn't think about it when I first wrote this blog, but "schmata" inYiddish means a cheap dress. So data that has been corrupted by ideology is certainly cheap and raggedy.

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